Okay, here is something that really irks my inner core: When people comment on my boobs. I am a small girl with a large rack but just because my boobs are (naturally) and ergonomically incorrect doesn't make me a circus freak or give you an invitation to grab hold and hang on for the ride of your life. The worst is when someone I mildly to moderately like comes up to me at a party and says "WOW, boobs." No. WHERE?!?!?!?!?!?! Yea I have them but that doesn't mean I have to wear a turtleneck to a cocktail party. I'd rather have Heidi Montag-Pratt as my math partner than spend another moment engaged in a conversation with someone whose only conversation starter is my anatomy. I mean think about it, would you go up to some guy on the beach and say "WOW, look at your bulge in your speedo?"No. Hopefully you were raised better and you wouldn't be at the beach with any guy who would wear a speedo. Today my aunt says, "You look really good lately" which my mother took as an opportunity to demean the hours I spend at the gym and go right into the fugliest bra she bought me insisting that it's my superior foundation creating a sleeker look. That is also not okay. Ever. By the same token should a guy hook up with a well endowed female that does not give them the rights to "honk" a woman's breasts OR lobster claw them. It's poor form and it's the quickiest way to alert the woman you are with that you are a virgin.
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