Sometimes you just don't walk that quickly when crossing the street. Its not that you want to get hit or anything, its just that getting nicked by a speeding cab won't be the worst thing that happened that day. Sometimes the creepy man blowing kisses at you as you walk back from the gym is the best thing that happened to you that day and sometimes you want to scream "you tell him girl!" to the hygienically challenged woman without a bra, drinking orange juice and screaming at a tree. Sometimes your little sister gets her dream job the day before you get thrown another speed bump in your quest for career happiness and sometimes, or most times even, you feel like nothing is going your way when everything seems to be working out for others. Sometimes this is personified by a failed relationship or extra water retention around your ass. Everyone talks about how amazing their twenties were, living on your own for the first time and "just starting out." Did I forget to RSVP for that party? Bueler? Bueler? Anyone? I mean, when is life going to start sounding a little less like an Alanis Moresitte song? Just asking...
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