My first American Apparel purchase came eight years ago at my town's sidewalk sale. I shouldn't really say purchase because I'm pretty sure the store owner just gave it to me (it was a plain white AA tee with the store's name on it.) Boy, have we come a long way from the days of plain white tees. I mean, okay, I like the basics (You can never have too many white V-necks) but... let's once again call a spade a spade here... What the cock is going on? Is American Apparel's target demographic rich trannys or something? Not only are the clothes outrageous and dare I say it... just a wee bit slutty but they are also over priced. $42 for a mesh body condom? I don't thinnnkkk sooo. Last friday when I was getting ready to go out I tried on this skirt of the little siss' and I had bottom crack cleavage... I get the whole "hipster" trend thing, I suppose they are our hippies, but only in America would we market an entire store to the counter culture. Let's be original here people. Oh and btw... Gap makes a cheaper tee shirt.
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