So I'm not really one to stress over a possible break in/rape/beating/murder etc. I've always subscribed to the thought that if someone wants to abduct me he will send me back within thirty seconds of meeting me and always laughed at one of my friends who would call the cop at the site of someone without a collar on their shirt walking past our off campus house. Lately, and I don't know if its the warm weather or I've been taking the subway solo more, but it seems like the freaks have been out to play. The crazy man with a thick Jamaican accent announcing to everyone he only loved his gun and his gat, the legless crack addict shuffling down the aisles and the cops following him telling no one to give him money, having to hit a man for grabbing my ass, the homeless man who whipped his crack on one of the polls... I mean its all a little unsettling, but its big city life at its finest. Until this. The Sunday of the Puerto Rican day parade this well dressed man stopped me and asked me for the time around 5:30pm. The thing that wierded me out was he asked me to come closer. Hell no Shaniqua. So I walked away but had a sick feeling in my stomach about it. Last night I'm coming home from babysitting late and having a conversation about how the subway has been scary lately and my neighbor is having a cig in the hallway (like.. really?) and stops me. She tells me that there is a gang initiation going on where guys ask girls for the time and if you tell them the time they cut your face, especially on the 4-5-6. I wanted to give her another cigarette and set up a whole smoking parlor right outside my door I was so thankful for the heads up. So please, please, please be careful! Something else to beware of? This:
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago